Our programmes run throughout the year and follow the Western Province School terms. So we ensure you have a break over Easter, Christmas, New Year and School Holidays.
Please see below the term dates for 2025:
Term 1: 15 January to 28 March 2025
Term 2: 7 April to 28 June 2025
Term 3: 22 July to 27 September 2025
Term 4: 13 October to 6 December 2025
Holiday Clinic: 8-12 December 2025
Baby Swimming Programme
It is never too early to start your baby swimming and our five stage, 50 week Baby Swimming Programme, will take you and your baby on a fantastic journey of discovery (above and below the water). You will learn the benefits of early exposure to swimming and master our various baby swimming techniques with the assurance that teaching pool safety is always at the forefront of our lessons.
Each stage focuses on specific tasks and skills, following structured lessons plans. However as it is babies we are teaching, we are very sensitive to each class and child’s individual needs and are flexible in our approach.
Stage One
Mish the Starfish
“Mish the Starfish” is a gentle introduction to the magical world of surface and underwater swimming. Interactive techniques and songs are used to reinforce that special bond between you and your baby. Stage One runs over 10 weeks with one class per week.
Stage Two
Fin the Dolphin
The fun starts here… from surfing around the pool on “Fin the Dolphin”, to swimming through underwater hoops. Stage Two, “Fin the Dolphin” is where your baby starts to show how comfortable they really are in and under the water. Stage Two runs over 10 weeks with one class per week.
Stage Three
Binky Blowfish
“Binky Blowfish” will teach your Little Swimmer how to blow big bubbles whilst kicking their legs furiously. This stage is all about pool safety in and around the pool, and your child’s grasp of these lifesaving skills will surprise you. From going underwater, turning around and swimming to the surface, to even holding onto the side of the pool and climbing out!!! Binky’s Stage Three sets a strong foundation for a lifetime of fun in and around the pool and water.
Stage Four
Mokie Monkey
Monkey, monkey, monkey...here we go. Each lesson is action packed with your baby showing you the skills they have learnt and mastered. Mokie’s Stage Four is all about your baby’s independence and is the start of independent swimming. Giant mats, woggles, surf board races, assisted underwater dives and glide swims litter this exciting and fun-filled stage. Your baby might even entertain you with the odd “bomb drop”!
Stage Five
Tommy Tiger
Tommy’s Stage Five is the transitional 10 week course where your little swimmer starts to make their way from the Baby Swimming Program to TODDLERS! Tommy’s “Tiger arms” is how your child will learn to use their arms to propel themselves through the water and create the foundation of future swimming strokes. We step up a gear or two, using the same techniques, songs and skills in preparation for the all exciting world of Toddler Swimming!
Toddler Swimming Programme
The Toddler Swimming Program is designed to follow-on where the five stage Baby Swimming Program left off. A similar approach is taken with the program being progressive, structured (yet flexible) and presented in a fun-filled and energetic atmosphere. The main focus is to make your toddler a confident and independent swimmer. The full Toddler Swimming Program stretches over 10 stages, each with their own progression plans and goals. The use of games and toddler interaction is imperative as they start to enjoy the water more as their confidence and abilities improve. Below are a few of the skills that we focus on during the Toddler Swimming Program:
> Independent swimming
> Diving through hoops from the poolside
> The ability to retrieve swimming aids from the bottom of the pool
> Complete training circuits that include a whole host of skills
> Improvement in basic swimming strokes i.e. stronger “Tommy Tiger Arms”.
> Jumping into the water and swimming to the eagerly awaiting parent
> Push and glides from the side of the pool
> More complex underwater techniques – underwater treasure hunts always get the best out of our toddlers
All toddlers are more than welcome to join our Toddler Swimming Program as learning to swim is more a process than a skillset. Swim Baby Swim uses a class environment to provide continuous support to you and your Little Swimmers, but at the same time adding a little bit of healthy competition to ensure we are getting the most out of our lessons. For this reason, toddlers who have had previous swimming lessons will naturally find adapting to our program that much easier and faster.
the Learn to swim 1-2-1 and mini squad programme creates the perfect foundation to master the fine art of swimming. Our Learn to swim lessons provide confidence and structure.
Stroke Correction
The Stroke Correction coaching ensures that your swimmer is efficient in the water, swims each stroke correctly and is ready for more competitive swimming. Swimming terms run throughout the year alongside the school terms which means that there are not lessons during the school holidays or public holidays.
"The water is your friend.....you don't have to fight with water, just share the same spirit as the water, and it will help you move."
Alexandr Popov